Our History

Formation of the Canadian Condominium Institute's
London and Area Chapter

The formation of the London and Area chapter of The Canadian Condominium Institute is in many ways related to its founding president Connie Grant.

When Connie and her husband Fraser moved from one condominium corporation in Ottawa to another in London, the positive Ottawa experience led Connie to become involved with her London group's Board of Directors and also to seek the association of other condominium directors. A fledgling group was formed in 1976 spearheaded by a condominium from Whitehills and attended by residents of the 40 or so developments in London at the time. This group was christened The London Condominium Association. The London group joined with a provincial group - FOCA - the Federation of Condominium Associations. In 1978, The London Condominium Association sponsored a seminar at Fanshawe College on the then new Condominium Act of Ontario. There were over 100 people in attendance.

The new Act called for the formation of Condominium Ontario. The London condominium Association died believing that Condominium Ontario would fill its role. Unfortunately, Condominium Ontario never really got off the ground. London would not see a new group formed to represent and educate condominium owners locally until the formation of the local chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute in 1993.

During the dry period, locals seeking education and interaction with other condo types were forced to attend offerings by ACMO or CCI in the Toronto area.

In 1978, the Grants joined ACMO and both attained their Registered Condominium Manager designations. Then, in 1982 both Connie and Fraser joined the fledgling Canadian Condominium Institute National organization and attained their ACCI designations. They sensed the need for an organization that could bring education about the burgeoning condominium field to directors and others working in the field. Also, a clearing house was needed for common interests especially with the demise of the planned Condominium Ontario.

For the next several years, the Grants traveled the 401 to Toronto for seminars and  conferences. They also encouraged fellow managers and Board members to avail  themselves of the educational and network opportunities. Some of the local professionals  sought designations through ACMO or CCI. All the while, the condominium lifestyle was  catching on in a big way in London. The need for a local chapter to respond to the  demands created by the local condominium community was evident. In the fall of 1992, an inaugural meeting organized by three local Condominium Institute members was held  at the local Howard Johnson to see if a local chapter of the Canadian Condominium  Institute would receive the support required. Yehudi Hendler from Toronto CCI was the  guest speaker and the response was overwhelming!

The rest, as they say, is history. First rate programs, top-notch professionals offering to  teach courses and participate in seminars and strong support from directors and those  servicing in the industry has led to a chapter that is close to 300 members strong - 96 of  them condominium corporations. Who has benefited'! The unit owners are being well served by educated and informed directors, professionals have had an opportunity to  meet and learn from each other and directors have had a chance to attend courses and  seminars and to network with other directors and professionals.

The Canadian Condominium Institute
London and Area Chapter
P.O. Box 51022, 1593 Adelaide Street N., London, ON   N5X 4P9
Tel: (519) 453-0672

E-mail: ccisw@cci-sw.on.ca


© 2025 CCI London and Area Chapter
P.O. Box 51022, 1593 Adelaide Street N., London, ON N5X 4P9
Tel 519 453-0672 Email ccisw@cci-sw.on.ca