Condominium Director Certificate Program - 104 - Enforcement Fundamentals

April 29, 2025

05:30 PM - 08:30 PM

2025-04-29 05:30 PM 2025-04-29 08:30 PM Condominium Director Certificate Program - 104 - Enforcement Fundamentals CCI London America/New_York

Condominium Director Certificate Program - 104 - Enforcement Fundamentals

Attention Condominiun Managers: The 8 CCI Director Certificate Program courses have been approved by CMRAO for continuing education for managers.

Understanding enforcement in condominium communities is important in knowing how to run your condominium smoothly. That’s why it’s essential to learn about the legal framework that governs condominium corporations before making any decisions. This course will introduce you to everything you need to know about enforcement in condominium communities and how they impact your condominium.

By the end of the course, you will be able to understand the practical considerations of compliance issues and preparing for the need to enforce. You will also be able to outline the various legal processes that are available to condominium corporations when enforcement is required. And you will be one step closer to earning your CCI Director Certificate.

This is an IN-PERSON seminar

When:  Tuesday April 29, 2025
Where: Byron Public Library, 1295 Commissioners Road W., London
Time: Registration: 5:30p-6:00pm
           Course: 6:00pm-8:00pm
           Networking: 8:00pm-8:30pm
Cost: $50.00 Members/$75.00 Non Members

Meet your speaker: 

Megan Alexander, Cohen Highley LLP

Megan is a licensed paralegal with Cohen Highley LLP. The focus she brings to her Commercial Litigation practice within the Small Claims Court jurisdiction, includes enforcement. She represents both Plaintiffs and Defendants in contract disputes and/or tortious actions.  Within the Multi-Residential Housing Group, Megan represents condominium corporations at the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) and property managers and landlords at the Landlord Tenant Board (LTB). In addition to litigation representation, she assists with regulatory compliance and risk management strategies. In all cases, Megan works with her clients to prevent and resolve their disputes by finding practical, cost-effective and sustainable solutions. She prides herself on her open and steady communication with her clients. Megan is a part-time professor, course creator and mentor in the Law Clerk and Paralegal Programs within the School of Public Safety at Fanshawe College, since 2015. Megan is on many Boards throughout the London and area communities, as well as on the Education Committee of the CCI London and Area Chapter.

Register here to DC 104

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P.O. Box 51022, 1593 Adelaide Street N., London, ON N5X 4P9
Tel 519 453-0672 Email