Why Join CCI?

We Invite You to Become a Member

CCI welcomes all persons and businesses with interests in the condominium community to become members. Join the CCI Chapter in your area and receive the benefits of belonging to the only national condominium organization in Canada.

CCI membership entitles each member to:

Each Chapter may provide additional membership benefits. Membership fees are set by the Chapter.

Why join CCI?

As a resident or condominium director, a host of valuable membership benefits are available, including:

For professional and business partners servicing the condominium industry

CCI... Working for You

Working on behalf of the condominium industry and its residents, CCI's objectives are:



© 2024 CCI London and Area Chapter
P.O. Box 51022, 1593 Adelaide Street N., London, ON N5X 4P9
Tel 519 453-0672 Email ccisw@cci-sw.on.ca