What is the Canadian Condominium Institute?

The Canadian Condominium Institute is an independent, non-profit organization formed in 1982.

It is the only national association to serve as a clearing house and research centre on condominium issues and activities across the country. It assists its members in establishing and operating successful condominium corporations through education, information dissemination, publications, workshops and technical assistance.

CCI provides objective research for practitioners and government agencies regarding all aspects of condominium operations.

CCI does not represent any one profession or interest group. Rather, it represents all facets of the condominium community, encouraging all interest groups to work together toward one common goal, creating a successful and viable condominium community. The condominium community is growing at an astonishing rate, where now nearly a third of the home real estate market is condominium sales. It is in the best interest of both successful and struggling condominium corporations as well as industry professionals, to actively support the CCI, in its aim to improve the condominium image throughout Canada. This can be achieved through your membership and participation in the national institute and its chapters in most major Canadian cities.

CCI... Working for you

Working on behalf of the condominium industry and its residents. CCI's objectives are:

  1. To Educate...through educational courses, seminars and networking all designed to equip condominium directors, homeowners and suppliers with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct the affairs of a condominium corporation in a proper and diligent manner.
  2. To Offer Professional Assistance...members may appeal to CCI for information and direction on resolving condominium problems or for referrals to appropriate professionals and services.
  3. To improve Legislation Affecting Condominiums...CCI's Provincial Legislative Committees are constantly working with provincial governments in order that they produce legislation that reflects the improvements required to properly protect directors and condominium homeowners.
  4. To Development Standards...CCI has developed standards of competence in six key areas pertaining to condominium life. These spheres cover law, accounting, property management, insurance, real estate and building sciences. Through education and examination, CCI extends Professional Associate status upon those of its members who attain the required standard (A.C.C.I.).


© 2025 CCI London and Area Chapter
P.O. Box 51022, 1593 Adelaide Street N., London, ON N5X 4P9
Tel 519 453-0672 Email ccisw@cci-sw.on.ca